I'm seeing a License Suspended message in error Print

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If you are seeing a License Suspended message when trying to access your Administration area, be rest assured that public-facing sides generally shouldn't have any reduced functionality. 

What are some of the primary causes for a License Suspended message?

  1. The most common cause of a License suspension error is an overdue payment on your account. Please review the member's area for any unpaid invoices relating to your Licensed software license key.
  2. Our automated checks may have identified a problem with the way the Software license is being used. If a potential problem is identified, the license could be suspended automatically. 
  3. You could have potentially violated something in our Terms of Use or End License User Agreement (EULA) agreements. A License would be manually suspended for this with the reason being stated in the license suspension.
  4. A misconfiguration in the server PHP environment may be outputting an invalid response during the software license check, this causes our automated checks to suspend the license automatically. Please review the following points:
    1. SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] is outputting a valid domain
    2. SERVER["SERVER_ADDR"] is outputting a valid IP address
    3. dirname(__FILE__) is outputting a valid file path

To re-activate a suspended license once the underlying cause has been resolved, please contact our Licensing team and they'll be happy to assist you in getting back up and running.

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