Installation Instructions Print

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WHOIS Lookup Tool for WHMCS Instructions


  • Copy the following folders into your WHMCS Installation Main Directory:
    • includes
    • modules
    • sfi_addons
  • Includes will automatically add the inside folders correctly into your installation.
  • sfi_addons is where the code is for the module itself.
  • Copy over whoislookup.php into your WHMCS installation in the main directory. This is where the results will show inside the client's area
  • Copy the following into templates > your template for whmcs 
    • For example: for the twenty-one theme its templates > twenty-one
    • Copy in sfi-mod.tpl (This is the smarty template that allows the module to show the page)
  • Go inside of WHMCS and go to Settings > Add on Modules
    • Activate the WHMCS Lookup Tool by Steadfast Innovations. Once Activated, simply insert your License Key and assign the permission to full administrators. With this, you'll be able to see a simple page under Addons > WHMCS Whois Lookup.

From here, your addon is activated. if you have any future ideas for us to add to this module, please let us know! The price is $15 one time, and at the current time, we are not charging for updates. Enjoy!

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